Golden Eagle Guatemala
Tasting Notes: Brown Sugar, Orange, Milk Chocolate
Origin: Huehuetenango, Association Barillense de Agricultores
Altitude: 1650m
Varietals: Bourbon, Caturra
Milling Process: Washed, Sun-dried
Farm: The Association Barillense de Agricultores (ASOBAGRI) was founded in 1989 by 20 Mayan coffee and cardamom farmers. The members of ASOBAGRI are from approximately 30 small villages in the Huehuetenango region, surrounded by the Cuchumantanes mountains and the Maxbal Forest Reserve. This coffee is grown under guava, plantain, and banana trees. ASOBAGRI promotes sustainable agriculture by training its farmers in organic production methods, investing in infrastructure, and operating their own warehouses and drying patios.
The Golden Eagle is one of the largest and fastest raptors in North America. Golden Eagles mostly prey on rabbits and other small mammals, and have been seen or fighting off coyotes and even bears in defence of their young. Golden Eagle populations have declined because of toxic chemicals in the environment, collisions with vehicles and electrocution from power poles. Aves Coffee Co. supports conservation efforts to protect the natural habitat of birds like the Golden Eagle.